Join the waitlist and be the first to hear when you can join the Confidence Accelerator and get some exclusive bonuses.
I only run this programme once a year and places are limited, so they fill up FAST. The waitlist gives you early access so you can secure your spot.
Would you like to work with me to transform your confidence?
This is your chance.
When you join the waitlist you gain early access to the limited spaces on the
Confidence Accelerator Programme, with 24 hours to claim your space before it opens to everyone else. When you join the programme via the waitlist you'll also receive extra special bonuses including:
- A VIP Confidence Expansion group coaching session after the programme ends, to help you fully expand on everything you've learned during the programme
- My VIP goodie box, filled with indulgent, confidence-boosting treats (if you sign up within the first 48 hours)
If confidence is holding you back, keeping you stuck, and stopping you from achieving your dreams, then sign up to find out more about the Confidence Accelerator.
What previous Confidence Accelerator graduates have to say...

“I was at an all time low as far as confidence, self worth and self belief were concerned. Lizi knows just the right questions to challenge you and get you thinking in a new way and as a result my income has grown each month - plus the projects I’m attracting are exactly what I want to be doing because I now have clarity and confidence to put myself out there as Me selling Me!! I have invested a lot in my own personal development in the last few years but this has been the most life-changing and happiest thing I’ve ever done – and right now I cannot wait to build on where I am and continue to grow in confidence, self-belief and self-worth – and to see my business grow as a result! I can’t thank Lizi enough for all that she has done for me she has made me rediscover who I really am - it’s been the best investment I’ve ever made!”
Anna Watson, Anna Watson Consultancy

What previous Confidence Accelerator graduates have to say...
“At the start my body confidence was 1 and today I have honestly hit 10. I have never ever felt like this before: it has given me a total new insight as how I need to keep going forward to help me with the changes in my business too. The feedback I have had over the last few months has been incredible.”
Carina Lewis, Cakefully Heaven

“I can’t actually put my finger on what Lizi has done to me, but something in my mindset has changed. She has your back and is your biggest cheerleader and I think she performs a very subtle but powerful magic that gets under your skin and into your brain and heart and it has made me realise amongst other things, that I can do what I want to do; I can achieve my goals; I am good enough and my opinion of me is the only one that matters. I can now talk with conviction about my abilities and my business; I find myself sitting up straighter when I talk to prospective new clients; I have the confidence to put myself forward; and I have the belief that I am good at what I do. Lizi is amazing to work with and the whole thing has been rewarding, eye-opening, emotional and it has changed me in ways I would never have thought possible.”
Jackie Lehane, GwenGreen Virtual Assistant