Going all in...

What will your life feel like when you can truly rely on yourself without anyone else’s approval?
It’s hard not to compare yourself with other mums at the school gates - perhaps you’ll feel more confident if you’re welcomed into their clique?
Maybe you’re still waiting on your partner to acknowledge how hard you work on your business and recognise how important it is to you - it stings not to be taken seriously - and what if they’re right?
Are you still waiting on an elusive “something” to silence your inner (and outer) critics?
Doesn’t every other credible business owner have more than one tidy-enough-for-a-zoom-meeting corner? Could it be that you (quite literally) want your house in order before you feel brave enough to “show up” for your business?
Other business owners seem so confident, right? But you find yourself tripping over words, apologising for your pricing and potentially shrinking rather than growing your business.
Deep down you’re comparing yourself with other “real” business women and you’re feeling totally out of your depth - what if everyone at the networking meeting realises you’re a total imposter?

A lack of confidence should never obstruct your success - but what DOES success look like for you?

Success means giving yourself permission to have big, greedy goals without that little voice in your head muttering “you can't say that! People will wonder who you think you are! And what if you fail - it'll be so humiliating!"
Feeling confident means not feeling envious of others charging squillions doing exactly what you do. It means feeling confident in your own value and answering questions about your fees without feeling scared, apologetic or immediately offering discounts… because you’re amazing at what you do and deserve to be paid accordingly.
Confidence means the words "Facebook Live" don't strike fear into your heart - you show up on social media and stop finding reasons to hide away - your business (and bank balance) will thank you for it.
No more "what ifs"... "what if I fail", "What if someone doesn't like what I do/say", "what if I'm not good enough", "what if people think I'm too expensive". You ARE more than good enough and Lizi'll show you how to believe in yourself.
Working with Lizi will completely remove the need for other people’s approval - so you can stop playing small, start thriving and reap the rewards you (and your business) deserve.
Interested in working with Lizi? Click here to enquire.
“Working with Lizi was fantastic, she is not only encouraging and motivating but I was able to really think in depth about what it was that was stopping me from achieving my goals. Spending time talking to her has uncovered realisations about myself that I think about every day”
Marie B