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I work with organisations who are looking for a speaker with a difference.


The truth is that women tell me on a weekly basis that they find me inspirational. Simply hearing my story and seeing the confidence I have despite all the challenges I’ve faced inspires them to make positive changes in their own lives.


So I speak about my experiences, how they’ve shaped who I am today, and the lessons others can draw from them.


I talk about the first time I was definitively told I was not beautiful (I was eleven years old and my science teacher told me I couldn’t feed the class worms because "I wasn’t pretty enough and might scare them"). I speak about why developing alopecia at forty years old is the best thing that could have happened (I gave myself permission to stop trying to look like “beautiful women” and to start letting the world see me exactly as I am).


I speak about why we shouldn’t be afraid of failure; about why we shouldn’t talk about “making excuses”; and about why forgiving ourselves for our mistakes is the most important thing we can do.

Shoulds Into Coulds Lizi Jackson Barrett

Current talks:

  • Surviving and thriving in the face of adversity

  • How to feel beautiful when you’re short, fat and bald

  • The power of feeling beautiful

  • Making the world see you: the power of becoming visible

  • Self-sabotage and how to avoid it

  • Don’t change how you look: change how you look at yourself

  • Turn your “shoulds” into “coulds”

  • How authentic are you in your business?

Storytelling is powerful.


When you hear others talking about how they have managed to thrive in the face of adversity, it reminds you of your own strength and resilience.


Whether I’m speaking to a small and intimate group of women or on stage in front of hundreds of people, my message is the same: I’m an ordinary women who has faced some extraordinary challenges.


I’ve been emotionally and physically broken; I’ve hit rock bottom – and I’ve found my way back out again, through a combination of courage, resilience and humour.


Above all, I use my talks to inspire others to rise above their struggles; to embrace their vulnerabilities and imperfections; and to feel confident and beautiful in their own bodies.

“Lizi is a passionate speaker and her message is one that a lot of people will resonate with. She has harnessed those feelings she had of not quite fitting in, or being belittled in the past, and is now using them to empower others. Most of us in our lifetime can relate to everything that Lizi talks about and you will come away feeling emboldened and realising you don't have to fit in to make a difference.”

-- Jo J.

Take this questionnaire to let me know about the challenges that may be holding you back from the beautiful, confident life you deserve.

Everyone must take this questionnaire before working with me too!

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